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5 Common Myths About Auto Insurance

5 Common Myths About Auto Insurance

Are you a vehicle owner in the USA, cruising through its scenic roads and bustling streets? If so, you’ve probably encountered your fair share of myths and misconceptions about auto insurance. In this blog post, we’re debunking five common myths about auto insurance that often leave drivers scratching their heads. So, buckle up and get ready to separate fact from fiction!

Myth 1: Allowing a Friend to Borrow Your Car Means Their Insurance Pays

5 Common Myths About Auto Insurance - Myth 1, lending your car

Picture this: Your friend, with a driving record as colorful as a rainbow, asks to borrow your car for a quick errand. You might think their insurance would cover any mishaps, right? Wrong. Contrary to popular belief, auto insurance follows the car, not the driver. So, if your friend ends up in a fender bender, it’s your insurance that takes the hit.

Take Away: Next time your buddy with a rap sheet longer than a phone book asks to borrow your wheels, it’s best to politely decline.

Myth 2: The Color of Your Car Affects Your Rate

5 Common Myths About Auto Insurance - Myth 2, color of your car

Ever heard the rumor that red cars have higher insurance rates? Turns out, it’s just a pigment of the imagination. While many drivers steer clear of crimson rides fearing inflated premiums, the truth is that most insurance companies don’t care about the color of your car. Instead, they’re more interested in factors like the type of vehicle, modifications, your driving history, and credit score.

Take Away: Keep your driving record squeaky clean and your credit score in the green to avoid seeing red when it comes to your insurance bill.

Myth 3: Personal Property Inside Your Car is Covered by Auto Insurance

Myth 3, personal property is covered by your policy

Got golf clubs in the trunk? Laptop on the back seat? If you think your auto insurance has got you covered in case of theft or damage, think again. Contrary to popular belief, personal property inside your car is typically not covered by auto insurance. Instead, items like electronics, handbags, and even your furry friend fall under the purview of your homeowner’s or renters insurance.

Take Away: Don’t gamble with your valuables. Always ensure you have adequate coverage under your property policy before leaving personal items in your car.

Myth 4: Older Drivers Always Get Cheaper Insurance

5 Common Myths About Auto Insurance - Myth 4, older drivers

So, here’s the scoop: a lot of folks think that once you hit a certain age, your insurance bill magically shrinks. Like, you blow out the candles on your 65th birthday cake, and bam, suddenly you’re paying peanuts for coverage. But hold up – it’s not that simple.

Sure, some older drivers might see their rates drop a bit. But it’s not just about the number on your birthday cake. Insurance companies look at a bunch of stuff, like how you’ve been driving and what kind of wheels you’re rolling in. So, if you’ve been cruising along with a clean record and driving a sensible ride, yeah, you might snag a sweet discount. But if you’ve got a history of speeding tickets or you’re driving a souped-up sports car, don’t expect a golden ticket to lower premiums just because you hit a certain age.

Take Away: Age might play a part, but it’s not the only game in town. Keep your driving record clean and opt for a sensible set of wheels if you want to score some serious savings on your insurance.

Myth 5: Getting a New Car Automatically Raises Your Insurance Rates

5 Common Myths About Auto Insurance - Myth 4, older drivers

Okay, let’s bust this myth wide open! So, picture this: you’re cruising off the lot in your shiny new set of wheels, feeling like a million bucks. But then, out of nowhere, someone drops the bomb that your insurance rates are gonna skyrocket. Say what?!

Well, here’s the good news: getting a new car doesn’t always mean you’ll be shelling out more for insurance. Sure, some folks might see a bump in their rates, especially if they’re trading in an old clunker for a flashy sports car. But here’s the secret sauce – if your new ride comes loaded with top-notch safety features or gets high marks for reliability, your insurance company might actually cut you a deal.

Take Away: Don’t let the fear of higher premiums rain on your parade when you’re eyeing that new ride. With the right car and a clean driving record, you might just end up saving some cash while cruising in style.


While these myths may be some of the most pervasive, there’s a plethora of others lurking in the world of auto insurance. When in doubt, reach out to your local independent insurance agent to clear up any confusion and ensure you’re adequately protected on the road. Drive safe, America!

Keifer McKillop

About the Author
Keifer has been in the independent insurance industry for 10 years. He has sold insurance all across the country and is committed to providing his customers with the best possible coverage at the most competitive rates. Whether you need insurance for your car, your business, home, or flood, Keifer is the agent to call. Give Keifer a call or email him today to find out how he can help you save money on your insurance.

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